Scientifically Proven
Founded as a spin-off from the University of Leuven (KUL), GrindoSonic is born out of the scientific community and widely established in the industrial community.
Incredibly Precise
GrindoSonic devices measure consistently up to a resolution of 1PPM. Detecting even the smallest changes in production processes or material characteristics.
GrindoSonic measures quality in a fast and non-destructive way (NDT).
Detects cracks, strength, porosity and other material characteristics
Cracks in brakepads, tensile strength in smartphone bodies, porosity in ceramics, additive manufacturing (3D printing) sintering quality,..
World Leader in Dynamic Materials Testing Instruments
Since its invention by Joseph Lemmens, more than 50 years ago, GrindoSonic® became gradually the industry standard for Non Destructive Testing based on Impulse Excitation Technique (IET).
With more than 2000 systems installed worldwide, GrindoSonic® is the recognised market leader.
Reliability, ease of use, state of the art technology and excellent service are our company’s DNA.